Corporate Loans

Cash Loans

Revolving Credit

  • It is a type of loan that allows the customer to withdraw and deposit money at any time within a certain limit in order to meet the short-term credit needs.
  • Interest is collected quarterly.
  • These are the loans that are sensitive to the interest rate changes in the market.

Spot Credit

  • The loan amount, interest rate and maturity are determined on the date of use and do not change until the end of the term.
  • It allows you to borrow at a fixed rate in changing market conditions.
  • The loan is closed at the end of maturity together with the principal and interest.

Installment Commercial Loans

  • These installment loans can be used flexible or fixed which are in a certain term and within the framework of a payment plan.

Foreign Exchange Loan

  • In companies with foreign currency income; These are loans used to finance exports or sales and deliveries deemed to be exports, as well as foreign exchange-earning activities.
Non-Cash Loans

Bid Bonds

  • These are the letters of guarantee addressed to the contracting authority and guarantee that the beneficiary will sign the contract related to the tender and submit the performance security in the event that the work assured is above the beneficiary.

Performance Securities

  • These are the letters of guarantee given that the contract and specification provisions regarding the tender will be fulfilled completely.

Advance Payment Guarantees

  • These are letters of guarantee given to guarantee the advances paid to the beneficiary in order to cover the expenses related to this preparation and subsequently deducted from the final remuneration in cases where preparation for the contract is required in advance.

Free Topic Letters of Guarantee

  • Letters of guarantee issued to different authorities and other real or legal persons for situations that differ from the subjects of the letter of guarantee on tender.
  • Free Topic letters of guarantee
    Letters of guarantee addressed to customs
    Letters of guarantee addressed to Courts and Enforcement Offices
    Letters of guarantee addressed to tax offices
    Letters of guarantee on dealership guarantee
    Letters of guarantee regarding the purchase of goods
    Letters of guarantee for cash supply
    Letters of guarantee on deposit and security deposit

External (Overseas) Warranties

  • Letters of guarantee issued to foreign counterparts. 

Besides; Eximbank Loans, Reference Letter, Letter of Credit, Pre-financing, Country Loans, Acceptance/Aval Loans, External Guarantees It is among the corporate banking products we offer.